Is It Bad to Wear the Same Pair of Shoes Every day?
Allen Edmonds is known for making some really high-quality shoes and accessories. Image source : Your Allen Edmonds will start to wear out once you start to notice that there are visible signs of scuffing, watermarks, or discoloration. Image source : The good news is that these things happen naturally, and there are ways to prevent them from occurring as quickly as they normally would. Image source : The best way to prolong the life of your Allen Edmonds is by caring for them properly. Image source : This means keeping them clean and avoiding doing anything that could potentially ruin your shoes; this includes sitting in shoes with muddy soles or wiping the soles of your Allen Edmonds on wet surfaces. Image source : Maintaining proper care for your new shoes can get rid of any markings and help them last longer than 11 years. Image source : If you are going to be we...